· By Alex Lim
March 2021
A podcast for mystery loversShedunnitWe are not alone in finding comfort in golden age detective novels, in recent times sales of Agatha Christie et al have been buoyed by the ungraspable terror of the real world. This podcast delves deep into many aspects of the genre, with host Caroline Crampton striking an admirable balance between research and story-telling. |
Tours into the secret heart of Los AngelesEsotouric LA onlineKim Cooper, our friend and writer of the Old Los Angeles book and Raymond Chandler's LA map, has for the moment moved her Esotouric tours online so anyone anywhere can benefit from her deep trove of historical LA knowledge. We particularly like the look of A Love Letter to Cafeterias of Old LA and The Weird World of Programmatic LA Architecture tours. |
Postcards from MarsPerserveranceHi-resolution photos from Mars have been beamed back from the NASA mission that landed in February. So far there seem to be a lot of rocks. But at approximately 225million km away from Earth, it's an amazing look out into the rest of the universe. |
Travelling via filmThe Signature films of 76 cities around the worldAlthough it feels like we've watched everything you can think of in the past year, here's a list of films where setting is key. This one should help those of you suffering from wanderlust; it covers fictional representations of places we miss and places we hope to see in the future, from New York to Moscow and even Kansas City, as pictured below. ![]() |
At home onlyIcons At HomeIt's almost a year since the first UK lockdown – and still several weeks to go. Throughout, we've tried to make the most of the enforced domesticity, unfortunately never with quite the panache of the actors, artists, musicians, statesmen and sundry legends posted on this inspiring Instagram feed. |